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Sunday, December 21, 2008


21st Dec Sun, HOT ! 4pm

I woke up at 5 plus am today with really bad tummyache. At first, I thought it was just a normal tummyache and went to the toilet but nothing happen. I tried to sleep but the pain was too much. Then I realise It's not my tummy but my womb! I forgot my whole antomy has changed ( was really sleepy). Now the lower tummy area is replaced by my womb. I realise I had cramps then comes and go frequently also which I think is contractions. It really painful. I woke Shawn up and he suggest I admit into ER. I decided to wait to see if it will stop on its own. But at 8am, I decided to go to KK since they are speclist and it's cheaper than re-calling my Doctor. Shawn called his boss to take urgent leave. His manager approve, but he's not happy about it. Sighz.

Waited about half an hour at KK. The doctor checked. The cervic is still close, Nigel is Okay. I didn't get to see Nigel since the doctor turn the whole screen to herself but Shawn managed to see him. Doctor suggest I stay at hospital for observation. I can either choose to stay at KK or at NUH. Nuh will be better since A/P Mary is there. So went to NUH. Another Doctor checked me. She called A/P Mary. I had my 12th injection. A/P Mary says I can go home but if I'm in pain, I can stay in. The pain has went down and there is nothing much they can do at this point except to wait and see what happens so I decided to go home but have to return if get worst or have bleeding or fluid leakage. The clinic will call me again tomorrow. Got a 7 day mc but have to strictly stay in bed. So far now I'm okay but the cramps is still there but not so painful just uncomfortable. But my pain tolerance level is pretty high so have to be careful.

Poor little Nigel was awake thru the whole thing since 6am. He kept kicking and punching me to reassure me he's alright. He was awake till about 1pm then he finally slept. He's a really good boy. He face Shawn today during the ultrasound. Nigel has Shawn's face shape, big ears and might have deep eyes like my mum. Sounds like a really handsome boy!

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