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Friday, January 25, 2013

Preterm Contractions... -_-|||

I have been having preterm contractions since second trimester. It is not as bad as those during Nigel's time but still pretty painful and worrying. Since last week, every time I walk a little, contractions start. Sighs..I have to limit my activity including playing with Nigel. I have been given hormone pills to ease the contractions. My amniotic fluid isn't at the ideal level too. Dr Watt have to really scan hard to find pockets of fluid here and there. So I have to closely monitor Johanna's movement to make sure everything is OK and to see her immediately if any changes. Dr Watt suspected that I might be leaking fluid but so far the test is negative. But I do have patches of fluid few times a day. Today, in addition, I am feeling giddy and seem to be blacking out, i have these episodes for sometime also but today it is extra-bad. Haiz... Johanna, you have to hang on till at least 37 weeks which is another 3 weeks.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Piano Lessons

Nigel has been learning Piano since last Dec. He love Piano and always look forward to his lessons (",)..
Not expecting him to genius but just glad he love it. He will happily greet his teacher and say goodbye to me which was a surprising as he normally stick to me like glue.

Johanna @ 34 weeks

Johanna@34w. 2.2kg. Squashed up but Growing well. Water level lower than previous but still alright. No leakage but have to monitor her movement. Her arm is covering her face but can see her nose. 

Swimming #^_^#

Another of Nigel's Hobby, Swimming! I have been trying to teach him to swim since last Oct.. So far So good. He can keep his head underwater.


Nigel's Latest Hobby! "Cycling" but without petals aka Gliding!! He is really fast on his new bike! This is suppose to teach kids how to balance and they can move on to normal 2 wheel bike instead of training wheels.

At first he had a hard time using the new bike. But after the second time, he is an expert on the bike. Normally we will take the park connector that is just beside our place and go to the park or the beach. He love doing it almost daily! Hard for me to go with him daily given my current state. I get Butt aches everytime I come home.. SobS.. But as long as he is happy. 

Nigel love going to the beach via the park connector. He cycle, we walk... -_-'"

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Johanna @ 32 weeks, CraBsSs!

Johanna is finally 32 weeks. She is 1.75kg. Her nose is big!! But Doc says normally nose will appear bigger than it is on the ultrasound. But Doc also commented that her nose is big. Her head and limbs is the size of a baby at 33 weeks plus. But her body is small. So she is going to be long and thin like her brother. I guess I am going to have 10plus stitches delivery her. I got 14 stitches after Nigel's delivery.

She did something cute yesterday. I or rather her, was craving for Black Pepper crabs for 2 days. She was making a big fuss since 830pm. She was moving a lot and really non-stop till I have bad contractions. Shawn came back around 1030. He guess that Johanna wanted her crabs. So he placed his head on my tum tum and tok to her, she was kicking him lightly...When  he ask her "Johanna, you wan crab..." before he can continue, she gave him a big big kick on his face! Fierce! So to appease her, we had to get crabs and she is a happy lil girl after that.