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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Penny for my Thought: Lil Nigel started School

I have started Nigel at Little Neuro Tree at Hougang Branch. Little Neuro Tree Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based early childhood enrichment educator, which specializes in neuro-linguistic brain stimulation and development for children.

Cost: $550 for 12 lessons (weekdays). It's every Friday, from 1030 to 1130. He had his first lesson yesterday. It was in Japanese. There are 5 babies in his class. 3 girls and 2 boys. Oldest is 13 mths and youngest is 8mths. All in all, it went well. Nigel is responsive and attentive. He was dancing and clapping. Only thing is he refuse to return the learning tools after we are done ! And he took the eggs and throw at his teacher !! Hmmzz... There are also a small fight going on with him and the Lil 8 mths old Baby Girl beside him.. I thought he will be exhausted after the lesson as it was his nap time but instead he was even more energetic.

Many people think I am a little mad to bring him to school at 9mths. Actually, I wanted to start even younger but had no time. In fact, I'm already looking around for a playschool for him. Shawn and I have decided to go for Character Montessori.
Cost wise, $652.50/mth after Govt subsidy. He's going to start either Dec or Jan2011. It's really popular so Shawn and I have to book a space in advance for him.

Why so Kiasu? For language and right brain development, it's important to start at a young age as they can absorb faster. Before the age of 6, kids will be mainly using their Right Brain which is creativity, long term memory, language skills, etc. After that, will be left brain. My aim is to build a strong foundation for him so it's easier for him to learn. Also, for Character Montessori, the teachers teach the kids not only their ABCs but patience too. Shawn and I are pretty impressed with the kids there. They actually keep their toys properly, go to the toilet on their own, wash their hands and throw the rubbish away !!! If Nigel can behave like them, definitely worth every penny !!

Nigel is one smart Baby. He learns new things really fast. I just want to maximise his potential. But I don't need him to be a top student in class or get a PHD. Most important things is he enjoys learning. If he's unhappy in the class, I will definitely not force him to go. I just hope that these classes that I'm sending him to (and paying for fortune) will help him to be able to help him cope better in future. Of cos I will not cramp so much classes for him !! I wan him to enjoy his childhood. You are only a kid once. Anyway, the next school I'm looking for will be TaiChi for Kids.... hehehe .... Health is really important too. It's important to start him at a young age and TaiChi will teach him patience and to relax.

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