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Monday, November 2, 2009

Accident !!

I juz Drop Nigel on the Floor and he hit his Lil Head !! SobS !!

I was bathing Nigel and was about to walk to switch off the fan when I slip and fall with Nigel and all. I held on really tight to him. But when I landed on the floor on my butt I drop him on the floor. He landed with on the back of his head. Luckily it was only about 6cm distance I think. The brave boy wasn't crying. Just a bit shocked. It was when Shawn woke up and make a big fuss, I think it sort of scared him and he started to cry.. He stopped after some coaxing. I hope he's ok !!

1 comment:

Rachel L. said...

Hi Jo! Hi Nigel!

hope that lil fellow is all well =)a lil bump makes our kiddos tougher ya. hee my #2 a few mths older than Nigel, he fell off the bed twice =S but still tough as a bull =p

chance upon this lovely blog @SMH and do hope we can exchange parenting tips and tots.

do leave your footprint and say hi!